
Terran Feng Shui

Patch 5 (version

Terrans block ramps and seal choke points, and then we sit behind them with guns and tanks.   We were the kids who sat up in the tree fort with the water gun shooting at the other kids who couldn’t reach us.  And honestly, it was fun.

In Starcraft 2, submersible Supply Depots give the Terrans a new tool to work with when it comes to controlling the wall of buildings.  Terran barricades are just as strong as ever for multiplying defensive power and denying scouting opportunities to the opponent.  This article will cover a few rules of walling, and some numbers on the Terran repair mechanic.

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That’s So Raven

Beta Version : Patch 3 (version

The Raven is the new Terran end-game caster unit in Starcraft 2, and its abilities are completely new compared to Starcraft 1.  Terran players are still carving out its exact role in gameplay, but this unit is definitely not the Science Vessel of old with a new paint job.

The Raven has some kickass abilities that may very well define end-game Terran play against all 3 races.  So what’s in the new bag tricks, and where do we use these new abilities?

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Beta Version : Patch 3 (version

Mutalisk harassment was a common sight in Starcraft 1 for the mid-game Terran.  A perfectly stacked group of Mutalisks could bounce around the Terran base picking off straggling units and misplaced buildings, effectively keeping the Terran from ever staging a full-blown attack on the Zerg base.

This could be frustrating.  A mid-game Terran infantry army was completely capable of killing a large group of Mutalisks – it simply couldn’t catch them, and it couldn’t be in two places at once.  Eventually the Terran would build enough Turrets and gather enough Marines to handle the Muta threat at home and abroad, and the game could continue.  At this point however, Zerg would begin to reap the economic and troop placement advantages granted by the the previous few minutes of map control.

Starcraft 2 is naturally a little different. Mutalisk micro isn’t as effective – but the Mutalisk itself still certainly is, and it can accomplish the same task of keeping the Terran on his heels.  How does a Terran respond, escape his base and get back in the game?

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Beta Version : Patch 3 (version

Siege Tanks are known for the range of their attacks while in Siege Mode.  This long-distance threat aids Terran when defending, harassing or attacking, and it has always been multiplied through the smart use of terrain.  Tanks are especially effective when the enemy is slowed and funneled by choke points.  Tanks become downright brutal when they are protected through the strategic use of high ground and ‘cliffs’.  You can’t fight what you can’t reach or see.

Starcraft 2 has introduced a number of new gameplay mechanics from its predecessor that change how tanks can be used.  There are also a number of specific placements on maps that will get you more bang for your siege tank buck.

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